The ProB Animator and Model Checker

ProB is an animator, constraint solver and model checker for the B-Method. The constraint-solving capabilities of ProB can be used for animation, model finding, constraint-based symbolic checking and test-case generation.

The B language is rooted in predicate logic, arithmetic and set theory and provides support for data structures such as (higher-order) relations, functions and sequences. In addition to the B language, ProB also supports Event-B, CSP-M, TLA+, Alloy, and Z. ProB can be installed within Rodin. ProB can also be used as a Jupyter kernel to generate interactive notebooks.

ProB is being used within Alstom, ClearSy, Siemens, Thales and several other companies for data validation of complicated properties for safety critical systems. It was used, e.g., for Paris Line 1, Sao Paulo line 4, Barcelona line 9 and many more. ProB is certified T2 SIL4 according to the Cenelec EN 50128 standard for use at Thales. In this video from the Deutsche Bahn you can see ProB animating a formal B model of the ETCS hybrid-level 3 principles in real-time, controlling two trains. Michael Leuschel and his group have won the first edition of the AlainColmerauer Prize for ProB. For commercial support contact Michael Leuschel.

During my time at the chair of software engineering and programming languages at the University of Düsseldorf I implemented and improved different parts of ProB including

  • a fuzzer for generating B and Event-B constraints including a search for minimal examples (shrinking),
  • an interactive workflow for the repair and generation of formal models using program synthesis,
  • the support of Alloy models in ProB by translating Alloy to B including different extension of Alloy such as integers or sequences,
  • an improved and extended interface to the Z3 SMT solver for solving B constraints,
  • a custom conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL(T)) solver for the B-Method using ProB’s constraint solver as its theory solver (SMT solving), and
  • static symmetry breaking for B and Event-B constraints by computing graph automorphisms including a new C++ interface to Bliss.

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