Overview Artificial Intelligence

Undergraduate course, University of Düsseldorf, 2020

This course covered the basics of artificial intelligence ranging from classic symbolic AI to modern techniques such as deep learning. Problems and limitations of current AI approaches such as bias, explainability, security and others were discussed. Further content was determined in consultation with the students.

The course started with an inverted classroom were we taught the basics of informed search and machine learning. Afterward, the students gave talks on a specific topic. In the first two years, the students finally had to pass a written exam. Later, we shifted the course to cover scientific writing. The students thus had to write an essay on a given topic rather than passing a written exam. In their essay, the students had to comment on Jeff Atwood’s and John Carmack’s bet on whether fully autonomous cars will be commercially available by 2030 (see here). They further specified that the autonomous cars have to pass SAE J3016 Level 5 (see here) in the 10 most populous cities in the United States.

I was one of the main teachers organizing the course and grading the students’ talks, exams and essays. I was involved in teaching this course for 4 years from 2020 until 2024.