Supervised Theses

Undergraduate and Postgraduate course, University of Düsseldorf, 2024

During my work as a researcher at the chair of software engineering and programming languages at the University of Düsseldorf I supervised several theses as can be seen in the following.

Bachelor theses:

  • “Measuring Coverage of Prolog Programs Using Mutation Testing”
  • “Refactoring einer JavaFX Anwendung mit einer Datenbankschnittstelle mit Spring Boot”
  • “Test Coverage Analysis for Prolog and ProB with Automated Test Execution Through Integration into Git”
  • “Enabling SMT Solving for CLP(FD) in Prolog by Translating to SMT-LIB”
  • “Duplikaterkennung von Prolog Code mittels Deep-Learning”
  • “Eye Pupil Detection on Variable Size Images using Deep Learning”
  • “Ein Vergleich von CLP(FD) und MiniZinc”
  • “Calling Python from Prolog: A General Interface”
  • “A Platform Independent Expert System for Medical Diagnosis”
  • “App zur Digitalisierung und Optimierung von Lagerarbeiten auf Basis des Outbound-Prozesses”
  • “Variable Selection for Efficient SAT Solving using Reinforcement Learning”

Master theses:

  • “Predicting Components for Inductive Program Synthesis Using Deep Learning”
  • “Eye Tracking and Horizontal Nystagmus Detection via a Webcam”
  • “A Translation of B Predicates to Answer Set Programming”
  • “Eye Pupil Tracking on Smartphones using Deep Learning”
  • “Vertigo Web - Implementation and Preparations for Certification of a Telemedical Mobile and Web Application for Vertigo Patients”